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Tokyo Fugue

​Recent Production


ロンドン (2018/8/23 - 8/26)

リエカ (2018/9/4)

コベントリー (2018/9/7)



Audience Review was fantastic!! I had so many goosebumps, it was crazy. So moving and profound, and important.Thank you thank you thank you for making that!!

...the performance was truly wonderful. I enjoyed it hugely and was so impressed!!!

...Thanks for creating this and for all the work that went into it!

Superb show today- I am on the train and still thinking about it! Really really loved it and I could totally watch you all day long- some of the sequences were mesmerizing!

Cast & Crew

Kentaro Suyama

Tania Coke

Toshihiko Nishimura​

Directors: Kentaro Suyama / Tania Coke

Assistant Director : Junichi Matsumoto

Music Composer : Tania Coke

Texts : Kentaro Suyama / Tania Coke

Costume : Kentaro Suyama / Tania Coke

Lighting Designer : Amy Daniels

Sound Operator : Chloe Kwok

Flyer Design : Kentaro Suyama

Video Image : Katsuyuki Miyabe

Subtitle & Projection Image : Kentaro Suyama





  • 「カラダという世界共通語」ワークショップ

((Cockpit Studio / London)

  • コーポリアルマイム作品「東京フーガ」公演

(The Cockpit / London,  Hrvatski kulturni dom / Rijeka)

  • 公演&ワークショップ

(Whitley Academy - an RSA Academy / Coventry)

  • 舞台芸術専攻の学生を対象としたワークショップ

(Holyhead School - an RSA Academy / Birmingham)

  • 「カラダでつなぐ」身体表現ビデオレター制作プログラム

(Japan / UK)

  • 日英アーティスト・エクスチェンジ

今回のツアーは、グレイトブリテン・ササカワ財団、ジャパンソサエティ、クラウドファンディング でご支援いただいた皆さまのご協力を受けて実現しました。心よりお礼申し上げます。

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